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DevOps News Sites

These news sources offer a wealth of information and insights on DevOps, as well as related technologies and best practices. They are useful for developers, DevOps engineers, and anyone interested in agile development, continuous delivery, and cloud computing.
News Sites
    A news and analysis site that covers DevOps, cloud computing, and digital transformation.

  • Dzone
    A news and resource site that covers DevOps, continuous delivery, and agile development.

  • Hashnode
    A community-driven platform that provides news, tutorials, and discussions on DevOps topics.

  • Hacker Noon
    A news and analysis site that covers DevOps, cloud computing, and emerging technologies.

    A news and resource site that covers DevOps, cloud computing, and software development.

  • Info World
    A news and analysis site that covers DevOps and emerging technologies.

  • SD Times
    Covers DevOps, agile development, and software engineering.

  • Devops Digest
    DevOps, cloud computing, and software development news.

  • The New Stack
    A news and analysis site that covers DevOps, cloud computing, and emerging technologies.

  • Dev Class
    A news and analysis site covering modern software development issues.

  • DevOpsCube
    A news and resource portal that covers DevOps trends, tools, and practices.

  • DevOps Online
    A resource site that covers DevOps, cloud computing, and agile development.

  • DevOps Institute
    A community-driven platform that provides news, training, and certification in DevOps and related areas.

    An Australia-based news and resource site that covers DevOps, cloud computing, and cybersecurity.

  • DevOpsLinks
    A community-driven platform that provides news, training, and networking opportunities for DevOps professionals.

  • Developer Tech
    Offers latest  news and strategy around DevOps, cloud computing, and emerging technologies.

  • Sweet Code
    Sweetcode contributors are devops practitioners who work as engineers, programmers, data scientists and software developers.

  • The Stack
    Regularly feature interviews with CIOs, CDOs, CISOs etc.

  • em360Tech
    Content platform that collects and shares industry insights through podcasts, videos, whitepapers, and more.

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